
Can I accept you exactly as you are? In this moment? Can I accept your differences as they relate to mine? Can I extend love and compassion to you? Can I look past your hate and animosity with empathy and compassion? Can I do this for you and for all beings? 

What is it inside me that condemns? What drives my ego into expectation? What is it about myself that I am disgusted with that drives me to project my own self-loathing onto you?

How can I become a better human that loves and respects all other humans? Is there a line in the sand for that love and respect? Is there some breaking point that I cannot cross? Is it even possible to love everyone without judgement? 

What about racists and bigots and people who breathe hate? Is it possible to love them as humans? Is it possible to be empathetic to them and their toolset and their education on the matters of hate? Is it possible to love unanimously? Is it possible to accept all beings for exactly what they are?

In accepting all beings, am I complicit in their negativity and hate? Is it better to combat hate with hate? Is it better to confront violence with violence? Where does the hate end and the love begin? 

I am either all in, or I am all out.