The cycle breaks when the cycle breaks. Conversations get had and awareness is developed and dice get rolled. Somehow acknowledging self.
A positive mental attitude. An understanding of time and space. The triggers didn’t trigger. The gun never fired. It cannot even be determined that a bullet was ever loaded into the chamber. Perhaps the gun only shoots water? Perhaps the gun isn’t even a gun? Does it matter? Do the reasons or the causes even matter? Is the hatter mad? Is the man a dad? Do the trips down seventh and the stops at the stop drive themselves inside like a nail? They do not. At least not in this case as there is no hammer. In this case the case was premeditated when the incense burned and the smoke filled the nostrils. In this case the case held four clean aces and a face that wouldn’t let the librarian read it.
A new jacket and some time behind the wheel. All the music in the world couldn’t muster up the well because all is well as long as the well doesn’t well. If that makes sense.
Hot coffee and waffles and some bacon that easily folds in half. A bowling alley and the boss and some discussion about being sad. Riding mopeds down the stairs under the influence is not the same as counting sheep.
Say them to everyone, but hear them yourself. Messages in the messaging. A note in the bottle. Throw it out and it will come back. Boomerang.