
In the break room there is an unusual silence that fills the air when it is only occupied by one. Occasionally there is the constant hum of some mechanical effort being put forth by a behind the scenes system, but mostly it's just silence. Once in a while the oddly pitched holler of another machine wails steadily as its top presses downward toward its bottom, but mostly it's just silence. Idle conversations and minor declarations perforate the doorway if it is left ajar, but mostly it's just silence. Crumbs and leftovers litter the table and one or two coffee pots rest quietly on the counter amid the dozens of dirty dishes. It's a break room after all. A place of seclusion and rest. A quiet corner of the busy world to sit and reflect and replenish and restore before heading back out into the chaos and splendor that is the holiday shopping season. The break room is so many things, but mostly it's just silence.