
Take a good long look at the footwear of America. We are not what we wear or what we do for work, but in so many ways we are. Crippled by prosperity and aged into disparity. Wheelchairs and diabetes. Anonymous alcoholics lined up at the liquor store. An a front. An aside. Tackled into self-doubt by our own want to get ahead. Vote for me they yell from the stone-paved pathways that lead to their second homes. I’ll write you a book. I’ll mail you an inspirational video. I’ll start a charity to employ my great-niece. I’ll scream down from my glass tower while I throw rocks and spray painted racial epithets on the walls of our universities and institutional learning facilities. Arrogance. Ignorance. Attitude. Platitudes. Lie to me and tell me I’m pretty. Gratuity. Income. Analysis. Paralysis. Ride the bus to the edge of town and get off at the last stop. Your graduated now. Good luck going forward.