
Take a trip to Santa Fe and get lost along the way. Fix a flat tire when you have no idea and eat a sandwich in some back of the house grocery store. You’ll find yourself on the path again as soon as you’re done, but you’ll never get there as long you ride together.

Also, it’s worth mentioning that I cannot forgive you for what you did until I see fundamental changes in your behavior. You see, if I forgive you and you don’t change, I condone your actions and I cannot do that. What you said to me is irrevocable. What I watched you say to others is irrevocable. You are a patterned behavior person and you’re adjusted to being forgiven. Not here. You did things that I wouldn’t wish on anyone and I cannot forgive you for that.

It’s worth noting that I have let go of the harm and detached from it. To me you are just another human that exists and is worthy of being loved. To me you are no different than a neighbor I have yet to meet.

It’s a shame really. We were so close.